We specialize in the design and development of Web3.0+ platforms and ecosystems. In addition to developing custom projects, we design, develop and commercialize a suite of our own products.

E2Language is the world's most successful high-stakes English Language test prep e-learning platform.
Software Development
Our team has a complete complement of skills and can tackle any large or small development. Our capabilities include:

Microsoft Windows App
Web Development
Web Design
Web Design
Web Design
Venture &
Venture development is a new alternative for start-ups. Given our experience and track record developing and commercializing cloud platforms, we offer 'end-to-end' solutions covering:

Venture development provides new and more consolidated options for start-ups.To help manage the financial challenges start-ups face, we bundle and package a full ‘design, build, commercialize’ program as an equity partner in new ventures.

New Media
All successful developments require media support.
Our skill set covers the whole range of new media ranging from:
- pre-production (planning and scripting)
- video production and post production
- audio production and post production
These include podcasts, educational and training video, marketing videos, live-high quality webinar and streaming.


Digital MKTG
& Brand MGMT
We take your vision on fully digitally transformed strategies to a beautiful story that creates value for business through inbound strategies, innovative solutions, and a creativity.

Something to ask ?
Don't hesitate to reach out!